So, I'm off an adventure -
an adventure
through Vietnam,
through Vietnam,
through my mom's homeland,
through a country I have never stepped foot in.
through a country I have never stepped foot in.
An adventure of a lifetime, yes?
For two months, I will be traveling through Vietnam with my niece to learn about a country my mom used to call home. How can two months in Vietnam change me? What will I learn? How will I grow? Will I find a little bit of myself there? Will I come back better? Wiser?
Will I even want to come back?
What will I miss? Who will I miss?
Just one more week before I start to answer those questions. In seven days, I fly out of San Francisco and land in Saigon. I shall be greeted by family I hardly know - but already love unconditionally - and welcomed into their lives and homes.
I am both excited and terrified;
but, that's normal right?
Here's how I celebrated the last few days in America. Thanks to everyone who was so kind to wish me farewell. I love you, all!