Thursday, November 8, 2012

This is my uncle's cat, MeeMee. She's a beast.

While we hung out clothes to dry, Angela noticed MeeMee laying with her prey. I couldn't help but grab the camera to capture the proud little MeeMee. 

Later, when I was finishing up my second bowl of Banh Canh, my aunt brought the dead bird to the table to show me. It was a cute little thing. She said later, my uncle was going to grill it for MeeMee to eat tonight. A feast she shall have!



  1. These are super cute pictures! She is a beast.

    Quick blogger tip: Since your blogs are so heavily loaded with photos it's causing a huge lag for the whole page to load. Use the "After the Jump" feature to break down your post so that your main page isn't bogged down with pictures.

  2. dude i cringed...arent you a vegetarian?!?! haha i tease i tease
